Summer fruit and herb infusion


  • Handful of fresh spearmint leaves

  • 2 kiwis

  • 2 Limes

  • Jug of fresh filtered water.

80% of our bodies are made of water and it is vital for our survival but it can be a bit dull to drink on its own.

This infused recipe not only tastes delicious but is also free of sugar, colourings and preservatives. It is completely natural and is packed full of fragrant botanicals and will hydrate you and can be enjoyed by any water drinking phobe.


  1. Chop the limes into thin slices.

  2. Remove the kiwi’s skin and chop in to thin slices.

  3. Wash all the spearmint leaves.

  4. Place all the ingredients into a large jug and fill with fresh filtered water.

  5. Allow the flavours to diffuse for at least an hour before serving over ice for additional freshness.


This is such a delicious and refreshing summer drink, which can be enjoyed by anyone and is a healthier non-alcoholic beverage. This drink will help to elevate a boated stomach aided by the spearmint, and is infused with the lime which is known for its alkaline ability and packed with Vitamin C from both the zesty flavour of the kiwi and lime.


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