Healthy morning muesli bars


  • 4 tablespoons of chia seeds

  • 20 medjool dates

  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil

  • 12 tablespoons of water (to be combined with the chia seeds)

  • 200ml of water (to be combined with the dates & coconut oil)

  • 300grams of oats

  • 200g raisins

  • 50 grams of sunflower seeds

  • 50 grams of pumpkin seeds

  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Date and oat bars are packed full of fibre and natural protein, along with omega 3 to help support your energy levels and balance your blood glucose levels. Providing you with a healthy and delicious start to your day.


  1. Start by combining the chia seeds & 12 tablespoons of water in a bowl & allow a gel to form.

  2. Pitt the medjool dates & place in a saucepan with the coconut oil to gently melt for about 5 minutes or until the dates have softened.

  3. Place your dates & coconut mixture along with the 200ml of water in a food processor and blend until you have a smooth mixture.

  4. Place the oats, raisins, cinnamon, sunflower & pumpkin seeds into a large mixing bowl & combine with your processed date mixture.

  5. Once your chia seeds & water have formed a gel –stir this into your mix too.

  6. Line a baking tray with baking paper & place your mixture firmly into the baking tray. Use a spatula to firmly press the mixture into place.

  7. Place in the oven for 20 minutes until the top turns golden. Then allow the cooked muesli mixture to cool for about 15 minutes before cutting into separate bars. It’s important to allow the mixture to set before cutting as they are at risk of crumbling if cut too soon.

  8. Store the bars in an airtight container at room temperature.


These bars are nutrient-dense. The pureed dates lend just enough sweetness to this convenient breakfast or snack.

Oats are actually considered a super food because they are an excellent source of B vitamins (especially thiamine) & numerous minerals like manganese, magnesium, & copper. Oats contain both soluable & insoluable fibre, but a greater portion of soluable fibre than any other grain. Oats have the ability to decrease cholesterol absorption because they contain Beta-glucan, which help control the appetite by slowing stomach emptying & prolonging the feeling of fullness & stabilizing blood sugar.

Rainsins are high in insoluble fibre & contain good levels of catechins which act as antioxidants in the blood & scavenge free radicals. As well as supporting the reduction of blood pressure & helping to lower insulin response, which helps support against type 2 diabetes along with the cinnamon, which support blood glucose control.

Chia seeds are a super source of both protein & are a valuable vegan source of essential omega 3’s, which act as a natural inflammatory for our bodies.

Additionally the sunflower & pumpkin seeds are another source of protein & fibre which will help to satisfy your hunger and support your blood glucose levels.

These healthy bars make a great quick breakfast or a convenient snack for any time of day. They will balance your blood sugar levels while satisfying your appetite & sustaining your energy levels.


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